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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Java Plugin Examples

Java Plugin Examples

The following plugin archives are installed automatically, when double clicked in Total Commander. Each plugin has a README.TXT with additional notes and included source code in each *.jar file.

Plugin Type

Plugin Download

File Extensions


Please install first!

Demo Plugins

Lister plugin

Swing Demo


The popular JFC Applet SwingSet2


Lister plugin

SWT Demo


The Eclipse Demo Control Example


Multimedia Plugins

Lister plugin

Audio Player

*.mp3, *.mpeg, *.flac, *.ape,
*.mac, *.ogg, *.spx

Winamp Clone in Java JLGui


Lister plugin

Video Player

*.mpg, *.mpeg, *.mov, *.avi

Java Video Player

Java Media Framework

Java Developement

Lister plugin

Java Decompiler

*.class, *.java

Uses JAD to decompile class files (supports syntax highlighting and context menu)


Fans of good old C-64

Packer plugin

D64 disk image viewer


Java version of DIRCBM


Lister plugin

CBM 6510 Disassembler


Disassemble CBM 6510 machine code instructions


Lister plugin

C64 SID player

*.sid, *.psid

Uses JSIDPlay of the Java emulator JAC64 to play C64 sound files



Lister plugin

3D graphics model viewer


Uses Starfire Researchs Java 3D loader for the 3DS file format

Java 3D

Lister plugin

Image Viewer

*.bmp, *.ico, *.jp(e)g, *.gif, *.png

Image viewer using Java 2D


Windows Application Integration (OLE based)

Lister plugin

OLE Viewer

*.doc, *.rtf, *.xls, *.wmv, *.mpa, *.mp(e)g, *.avi, *.asf, *.wav, *.pdf

Uses Microsofts OLE interface


Internet Access

Lister plugin

HTML Browser


Embeds Microsoft Internet Explorer


File system plugin

Email reader


Check your email account, protocols pop3 and imap are supported



File system plugin

SNMP plugin


Analyse network using SNMP (Simple Network Monitor Protocol), plugin author: Ján Gregor


Plugin Developement Samples to Learn

Packer plugin

File lister


Creates a file list and browse its contents


Content plugin

Image Content

*.bmp, *.ico, *.jp(e)g, *.gif, *.png

Shows image properties (width, height, bit-depth) - poor performance :-(


Lister plugin

Hello World


Hello World: show java properties in a window


File system plugin

Local Drives


Browse your local file systems


Content plugin

Content Demo


Shows several test columns



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